Adventures of a Farang in Southeast Asia

Hello friends! I can't believe I have a blog. They're so nerdy! I'm setting this up to cut down on those sometimes annoying mass emails. This blog will follow me through Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam from June 12-August 14th. (P.S. Farang=White person)

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Photos to come later--ghetto computer here, once again.
We took a short ferry to Samet and arrived to the pier at night (makes climbing across another boat and having to practically jump onto the pier from the boat much more challenging). We met a fun Korean couple who shared their patented nail buffering kit with us and a Danish couple. Very entertaining boat ride, and hey, shiny nails too! We checked out a place that had a bungalow up in the boonies with a broken window, a broken fan, broken steps, and a mosquito net with gaping holes in it. We decided to keep looking. Jeps bungalows had a mediocre room but a sweet beachfront restaurant so we dropped our enormous backpacks there. We arrived on Canada day (yes I know this blog is extremely behind), expecting to have to make our own party but we sat down for a beach BBQ next to a huge table full of...Canadians! They gave us stickers and we all sang the anthem...It was all very patriotic. There were about 20 of them, all in Thailand teaching. We met up with them later for some more festivities at the only club on the island. We had to endure a monsoon to get to the club. Those things are crazy, they turn roads into rivers, hills into waterfalls, and flip flops into boats (I almost lost mine countless times).

Our room on Koh Samet unfortunately reeked like mildew b/c the clothes we all washed on Koh Chang never dried thanks to the rain there. It also had quite an ant problem. Needless to say we spent as much time as possible on the beach, in the restaurant, or in town.

The beach BBQ's on Samet are famous. The beach is lined with restaurants that fill up wooden boats with ice and place fish, chicken, shark, anything from the water, on plates on top of the ice. They have live mussels, lobster, and crab hanging out in tanks beside the food filled boats as well. You basically point at what you want and they cook it up and throw in some corn, potato, or garlic bread. Those were some fun dinners. (Dad and Robert, you would've been in heaven).

We left Koh Samet for Samui after 5 glorious days. I am more tanned than I have ever been before. The Thais still laugh at my pale skin though. Koh Samui update to come soon!


  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Laura Davies said…

    honestly this chick always beets me to the comments!
    Get amped for the Wiang. its 1/2 sunny here so it might not rain


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