Adventures of a Farang in Southeast Asia

Hello friends! I can't believe I have a blog. They're so nerdy! I'm setting this up to cut down on those sometimes annoying mass emails. This blog will follow me through Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam from June 12-August 14th. (P.S. Farang=White person)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


We dediced to fly to Samui because we found a cheap-ish flight from Pattaya (mainland Thailand). We got to board the plane via a flight of stairs on the tarmack--just like they did in the old days. After a an hour in the air we touched down on the second most touristy island in Thailand--Koh Samui! After chilling on Samet and Chang, we were ready for the Maui inspired Samui.

After checking into a couple of bungalows close to the beach, we met up with the birthday girl (Laura). After teaching in a tiny town in Northern Thailand for the past 3 months, Samui was the perfect spot to celebrate...She finally got to see other white people in Thailand!

Met up with a John and Jen, UBC Ski/board club people for birthday-ing. Samui had a Haagen dazs shop where we all ordered the most amazing desserts ever. Went to a beachside bar where the drink menu was very poorly/hilariously translated. I had a pena corada and some chooters.

We spent our days at the beach during prime tanning hours and went shopping for fake Versace bikinis and Chanel sunglasses, etc in the evenings before dinner. Dessert at Yogen fruz, baskin robbins, or haagen dazs would follow. Very tough life I'm living here in Thailand. On our last night we discovered the most fun club scene we've seen in our travels so far. There was a lane off the main street that had open air club after club and hundreds of people inside and spilling out onto the street. It was crazy good!

Some Samui highlights:
-how retarded hot it was (when we were tanning I was worried that my body was literally going to explode)
-When a bat flew into Laura and Megans bungalow and hid somewhere inside
-When we came home to a large cockroach swimming in our bungalow shower (it was seriously doing laps). I had to make a trap out of a glass and ashtray and chuck it outside. Quite proud of myself for going near it.
-All of the western food restaurants (We had Italaian twice!)
-Watching two (gay?) guys practice THE move about 20 times from dirty dancing in the sea in front of us then discovering that they were staying in the bungalow next to us. (Hi Zach and Jake!)
-The mango lady who would come up to our beach mats to sell us delicious mangoes for about 0.50 (We didn't even have to move to get lunch)!

Samui was fun but you can only handle so much of having to share the beach with all of the euro men in speedos and you just get tired of how touristy it is in general. Going to head off to Koh Pha-Ngan for the epic full moon party (Anyone who's anyone in Southeast Asia will be there).
Photos to come soon I promise...Thai computers hate my camera!

Of course it starts to monsoon when I want to leave the internet place. boohiss.


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